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Crash Bandicoot Wiki:Introduction

From the Crash Bandicoot Wiki, the Crash Bandicoot encyclopedia
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Crash Bandicoot Wiki is an online wiki with a focus on covering content regarding the extensive Crash Bandicoot franchise. As such, Crash Bandicoot Wiki relies on the help of people visiting the site to add information on details about the franchise or correct mistakes made by others, as anyone is free to edit the wiki without having to register an account (although it helps!).

How do I edit?[edit]

If you're not already familiar with editing on wikis, you can read the official guide on wiki editing, skip straight ahead to article editing in Crash Bandicoot Wiki's Sandbox page, or even try your hand at article creation by creating your own user profile!

What should I edit?[edit]

While there are a lot of ways to help, Crash Bandicoot Wiki is perfectly happy with the smallest of edits to an article! Whether it be creating an entirely new page on a character in the series or fixing a typographical mistake, any and all help will always be appreciated.

If you're still not set on what to edit, here's some places to start:

Edit an article so it reads better[edit]

Be it by fixing a typo, rewording a sentence, or otherwise making sure that the article follows the Manual of Style, this is the most simple way of contributing to the wiki.

Upload a missing image[edit]

You can upload an image for an article that currently doesn't feature an image, or for articles that simply need more of them.

Create a new article[edit]

You can also create a brand new article for the wiki to be used in other articles, making sure to stick to the wiki's policies and guidelines on article creation.

Edit articles marked for maintenance[edit]

There are also other tasks that the wiki needs to be fulfilled in order to provide a reliable resource. You can see them by visiting Category:Maintenance.

Policies and guidelines[edit]

Main article: Crash Bandicoot Wiki:Policies and guidelines

It is recommended to write article content with a set of assumptions and rules about the Crash Bandicoot franchise, which are expressed on Crash Bandicoot Wiki's policies and guidelines.

Manual of Style[edit]

Main article: Crash Bandicoot Wiki:Manual of Style

The Manual of Style is a guide for the structure and formatting of the wiki's articles and their content.