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List of Coco Bandicoot profiles and statistics

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This is a list of profile and statistics for Coco Bandicoot.

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back[edit]

  • North American and European Bio: Coco is the spirited younger sister of Crash and is highly intelligent. When her face isn't glued to a computer screen, she's trying to get Crash's relaxed life more organized. Count on Coco to hack into Cortex's plans to warn Crash with some important information.[1][2]
  • Japanese Bio: 「初めまして。 私はクラッシュお兄ちゃんの妹で、 ココっていうの。 私は、脳ミソが筋肉質のお兄ちゃんと違って、 ノートパソコンがないと落ち着かないくらいのコンピュータ好き。 いつもは、都会で世界中のネットワークにアクセスしながらの生活を送っているけど、バカンスを兼ねてお兄ちゃんの住活を送っているけど、バカンスを兼ねてお兄ちゃんの住むタスマニアにやってきたの。 でも、お兄ちゃんって失敗ばかりで見ていられない! 落ち着いてアクセスもできないわ。 お兄ちゃん、しっかりしてよー!」 [3]

Crash Bandicoot: Warped[edit]

  • Japanese Bio: 「オマヌケなクラッシュとは比べものにならないほど、よくできた妹。いつもオリジナルのピンクのノートバソコンを持ち歩いている。 趣味はハッキング。今回の冒険ではアウトドア系にも強いことが判明!」[4]
  • Official Website Bio: Coco - Crash's younger sister Coco (the precise parentage of both is unknown) looks nothing like her brother. For one thing she's intelligent. . . enough said. Allegations that she's not a natural blond have been flatly denied by Coco. She is well-known for always taking the quickest mode of transport possible. . . and if it means taking a turn on her favourite pet tiger then, well, he needs the exercise. Sometimes, though, not even the finest tiger Bengal has to offer will satisfy Coco's need for speed; she's been known to take to the road, the sea and the sky in a variety of souped-up machinery. hobby: mechanics, computers. [sic] [5]

Crash Team Racing[edit]

  • North American and European Bio: Crash's smart kid sister and all around computer genius, Coco has really taken to racing. She's put in some computer chips to speed up her kart's acceleration. Coco's ride gets off the line faster than other karts like any good sprint kart should.[6][7]
  • Japanese Bio:クラッシュの妹。 オマヌケなクラッシュと違い、とっても賢くて、コンピュータが大得意。」Crash's little sister. Unlike silly Crash, she is very smart. Great with computers.[8]

Crash Bash[edit]

  • North American Bio: Crash's cute and brainy little sister, Coco is equally as fast and nimble as her brother. In Bash arenas, she can get to Stone Blocks and TNT in record time. Her well-trained polar bear however, isn't as hard charging as other bears but maneuvers quickly. Of course, she is teamed with Aku Aku who tends to be especially protective over her. [9]
  • Japanese Bio: 「とってもキュートな、クラッシュくんの妹バンディクー 。お兄ちゃんとはだいぶ違って、コンピュータが大得意。今回はじめて披露するスピンアタックは、 お兄ちゃんより強いかも!?クールにキメたいアナタに!」 [11]

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex[edit]

  • North American and European Bio: Coco, Crash's little sister was also snatched from the jungle and genetically enhanced by Cortex. She is a super-smart computer expert, with a love of Hong Kong martial movies, and one heck of a scooter rider! She's always there to back her big bro up, and not afraid to mix it up herself.[12] [13]

Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure[edit]

  • North American Bio: Crash's brilliant sister. If Crash can retrieve the Earth's crystals, Coco will use them to power her machine and reverse the effects of Cortex's Planetary Minimizer![14]

Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced[edit]

  • European Bio: Coco is the spirited and highly intelligent younger sister of Crash. When she's not busy solving the mysteries of the world, she is coming up with inventions to help Crash's fight against evil.[15]

Crash Nitro Kart[edit]

  • North American Bio: Crash's smart kid sister now has all-new vehicles to toy with. She programmed her kart's wheels to balance their speed better, which gives her much better turning ability. [16]
