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Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time/script

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This is a script for the cutscenes in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time.

Cutscene 001[edit]

[Dr. Neo Cortex's dream.]

[The scene shows Dr. Neo Cortex about to reign victorious over Crash, starting with a close-up of the doctor's eye before slowly zooming out to reveal a fiery backdrop.]
Neo Cortex: Crash Bandicoot. At last I, the great Neo Cortex, have you right where I want you... And now the final blow! Nyugh!

[Scene change: Time prison.]

[Cortex smacks at the bandicoot in front of him with his weapon, revealing the bandicoot to be a little more than a doll resembling Crash, and the doctor's weapon to be merely a stick. Dr. N. Tropy glares at Cortex over his shoulder.]
N. Tropy: Hush, simpleton!
Uka Uka: Hyuuuurgh-ahhh!
[There is a strained yelling when Uka Uka attempts to open a rift back to the present. Rocks begin to float in front of him, with a bright green light forming in the area. He pauses to regain his strength, letting the rocks fall.]
Neo Cortex: Face it, N. Tropy, it's going to fail. [points at a nearby rock with his stick, revealing a tally that reaches a count of 22 drawn onto the rock] Again.
N. Tropy: At least Uka Uka and I attempt to free us from this prison! I won't sit idly by and listen to your inane ramblings for another decade! [leans forward, getting in Cortex's face] And the way you chew.
[Cortex glares and raises a finger, but before he can respond, the doctors are interrupted by more yelling from Uka Uka.]
Uka Uka: Hyuuuahhhhhh!!! Ahuugh!
[With one final push and a blue flash of light, Uka Uka succeeds in opening a dimensional rift, only to groan softly and end up being put in a deep sleep. Cortex nervously approaches the mask and pokes him with the stick. Cortex nervously approaches the mask.]
Neo Cortex: [pokes Uka Uka with the stick] Is he dead?
N. Tropy: Leave him. He's served his purpose. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
[As N. Tropy is laughing, the camera zooms closer to the rift until we see the game's logo suddenly revealing itself in a pitch black background.]

[Scene change: N. Sanity Island, day.]

[Aku Aku is floating by a beach as he senses something is out of order.]
Aku Aku: A great power has awoken. [floats over to Crash, who is fast asleep on a couch] Crash, [wakes Crash up] I fear it portends [Crash falls back asleep] an event of reality-shattering proportions. I feel it emanating from N. Sanity Peak. Quickly, we must go! [annoyed] Crash. Crash! CRASH!
[Crash finally wakes up, flying off the couch and falling to the ground in a shock.]

N. Sanity Peak: Halfway point[edit]

[N. Sanity Peak.]

[Crash slowly approaches a pedestal with a sleeping mask resting on top. Out of curiosity, he picks up the mask and examines it. He flinches awake, and stares at Crash for a moment before the floor gives way, sending both plummeting down. Lani-Loli looks up and stammers in strain as the Guardian emerges from over a nearby gate. Crash gets up and turns around, only to be frozen in horror as he notices the spirit.]
Lani-Loli: Ahhhh ahhh ahhh [turns and speeds away] ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Cutscene 002[edit]

[N. Sanity Island, night.]

[Crash quickly catches up with Lani-Loli at the edge of a cliff of N. Sanity Peak. Crash and Lani-Loli are not alone, as the Guardian starts to emerge from the cave. Crash looks off into the abyss below, then back at Lani-Loli.]
Lani-Loli: Ah ah no, no-no-no no way! Not in million yea-- [Crash jumps off and grabs Lani-Loli, causing them both to fall. Somewhere at the bottom of the peak, Coco is checking her tablet with Aku Aku, only to be interrupted the screaming from Lani-Loli.] Yeaaaaaaargh! [Crash and Lani-Loli land beside them. Crash gets up with Lani-Loli stuck on his face.] Yiiii! Get him off! Get him off! Get him off!
Coco: Crash? Who is that?
Aku Aku: Lani-Loli? If the Quantum Masks have returned then...
Lani-Loli: Ack! Ack! Ack! Hey Aku, how's it [hyperventilates as a large purple rip in reality is revealed behind Aku Aku and Coco] g-g-gah?! Is that a QUANTUM RIFT?!
Coco: It appears to be a door between dimensions.
Lani-Loli: [darts in front of the rift] Yes, yes! The kind we keep shut! We have to go through, find my siblings, and fix this before some putz with a big evil plan and a bigger ego does something monumentally stupid!

[Scene change: Rift Generator.]

[Dr. Cortex scratches his butt, yawns, and steps out of the way of the camera, revealing Dr. N. Tropy standing before his Rift Generator.]
N. Tropy: Uka Uka unknowingly paved the way for our bright future. Once my Rift Generator is complete, dominion [Cortex silently mocks N. Tropy before beginning to tinker with a device] over all of time and space will be within our grasp!
[Dr. N. Gin and Dr. N. Brio approach Cortex from behind.]
Neo Cortex: N. Gin, N. Brio... you had some little projects you wanted to tell me about?
N. Gin: Master, my mechanical marvel will hypnotize you an army!
N. Brio: And my potion will make me--uhhh--them unstoppable!
Neo Cortex: Right, yeah, fine, sure. Have fun with your... ray guns, or [As N. Gin and N. Brio turn to head to their respective rifts, they bump into each other.] whatever.
[N. Brio angrily tries to kick N. Gin, only for N. Gin to dodge and bite down on his leg.]
N. Tropy: Hasten your steps! [N. Gin and N. Brio jump apart and scamper off to their rifts.] By my calculations, our enemies are [The camera cuts to a close-up of N. Tropy's face.] already moving against us. And We. Will. Prevail.

Cutscene 003[edit]

[The Hazardous Wastes, day.]

[Crash, Coco, and Lani-Loli arrive at the Hazardous Wastes through a Quantum Rift. Crash lands flat on his face in the sand before climbing to his feet.]
Coco: So we need the other masks to close the rifts?
Lani-Loli: Correct! Now my brother Akano is around here somewhere...
[Dr. N. Gin flies into view on a jetpack.]
N. Gin: Welcome to the show, vermin! Looking for your precious mask?
Lani-Loli: Behold the aforementioned putz.
Coco: Don't worry. We have a thing where we fight, he loses. It's a well-established dynamic.
N. Gin: Not this time! I've got a backstage pass for you to get up close and personal with my weapon of mass percussion! [makes horn signs with his hands and flies out of view] Come ready to rock!

Truck Stopped: Halfway point[edit]

[The Hazardous Wastes' truck stop.]

[Tawna pulls herself up onto the top of the Doom Rig with a grunt. She briefly looks around before noticing a large hook hanging from the ceiling above the truck.]
Tawna: A-ha!
[Tawna pulls the hook down and attaches it to a segment of pipe on top of the truck. She quickly runs and leaps off the side of the Doom Rig as its engines roar to life.]

Cutscene 004[edit]

[The War Palace.]

[Crash and Coco arrive at Dr. N. Gin's concert to crash the show.]
N. Gin: All right all you bloodthirsty lunatics! Put your freaky little hands together for... RAWK-IT HEAD! [The Weapon of Mass Percussion activates as the audience cheers. N. Gin taps his drumsticks together.] 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4!

Stage Dive: End point[edit]

[The War Palace.]

[The Weapon of Mass Percussion's cockpit explodes.]
N. Gin: Noooooo! [The Weapon of Mass Percussion powers down. N. Gin gets up, only for the Weapon of Mass Percussion to explode, sending him flying.] Ahhhhhhh!

Cutscene 005[edit]

[The War Palace.]

[Dr. N. Gin falls out of the sky, screaming, and he tumbles from drum to drum.]
N. Gin: Ow! [tumbles on the next two drums] Ow! [tumbles to the ground] Ow... [Crash, Coco, and Lani-Loli laugh at N. Gin. The doctor gets up.] My beautiful creation...
[Akano falls out of the mech and onto N. Gin's head, knocking him unconscious before bouncing into the rift.]
Lani-Loli: Ahhh! Akano!
[Crash, Coco, and Lani-Loli run through the rift after Akano.]

Thar He Blows!: Halfway point[edit]

[Salty Wharf, day.]

[Dingodile destroys a gate with a TNT barrel, revealing a Quantum Rift behind it. He grins, only to gasp when he notices that the explosion has lit the wick of a nearby pile of gunpowder barrels.]
Dingodile: Uh-oh.
[Dingodile runs through the rift as the barrels explode, setting off a nearby cannon which shoots a cannonball down into the pirate town below.]

Cutscene 006[edit]

[Salty Wharf, sunset.]

[Crash and Coco are tied together by a thick rope, hung upside down on a pirate ship. The camera pans back to reveal a mysterious being perched on the mast of another nearby ship.]
???: Hang on, guys! I'm coming!
[The mysterious being springs into action.]

Cutscene 007[edit]

[Salty Wharf, sunset.]

[The mysterious being uses a cutlass to cut the rope, busting Crash and Coco free. The bandicoots fall to the floor before climbing to their feet.]
Coco: Thank you so much-- wait. Tawna?! [Crash leaps around] But you're... [Crash looks at Tawna from different angles in confusion.] different! [Crash pokes at Tawna's forehead.] You're not from our universe!
[Tawna hits Crash in the head with her fist.]
Tawna: It's good to see you guys. It's been a long time for me.
[Crash gets up and walks back over to Coco, shaking his head dizzily.]
Coco: We lost touch in your universe too, huh?
Tawna: Yeah... you could say that.
Coco: Hehehe, what'd we like, die or something?
Tawna: What? No! Nope! No! What! Ha! No! Definitely not! So how are things in your dimension? Ahem.
Coco: The usual. Bunch of evil scientists attempting interdimensional domination.
Tawna: Huh! So uh, whatcha collecting? Crystals? Gems?
Coco: Masks.
Tawna: Ooh fun. Well good luck with that.
[Tawna turns and slowly walks away.]
Coco: Wait, you're not coming?
Tawna: Sorry. I fly solo. But I'll-I'll lend a hand where I can. In fact, I already have...
[Tawna pulls out her hookshot and swings away. The bandicoot siblings stare after her in disappointment. Crash puts a reassuring hand on Coco's shoulder.]

Cutscene 008[edit]

[Salty Wharf, night.]

[Akano rests on top of a worn wooden table, eyes closed in silent slumber. Crash approaches the table, Coco and Lani-Loli close behind, and examines the mask before attempting to pick him up.]
Lani-Loli: Akano! Old Dark Matter himself! Careful Crash, he's heavier than he--
[Crash inadvertently drops Akano, who lands on his foot. He leaps backwards to yank his foot out from under Akano, grabbing onto his leg and hopping up and down in pain.]
Crash: Ahhhhhh!
[Coco covers her mouth with one hand. Akano wakes up and floats up into the air above the table.]
Lani-Loli: Oh good, you're awake. [Akano slowly floats forward, silently glaring down at the bandicoot siblings. They stare back in horror, apprehensive.] Alright! Two masks down, two to go! Feeling a little less panicked. I was at a 10 before, now I'm at a solid... let's say 9.78888. [pops up between Akano and the bandicoots] Oh yeah, these bandicoots are here to help.
Akano: Ban-di-coot. ...hmm. Follow.
[Akano turns and slowly floats away into a nearby Quantum Rift.]
Lani-Loli: Short and to the point. Love this guy!
[Crash and Coco smile at each other before following the two masks through the rift.]

Cutscene 009[edit]

[Tranquility Falls, sunset.]

[The trio next arrives in Tranquility Falls. Coco and Lani-Loli successfully leave the rift, but it begins to close on Crash, causing him to briefly get stuck before being launched into a nearby gong. Coco covers her ears from the sound, but Lani-Loli, handless, can only cringe on the spot. Crash dizzily stumbles back over to his friends.]
Coco: So where's the next mask?
Lani-Loli: Not here. [floats backwards down the path as he explains the situation to the bandicoots, not noticing a green-clothed figure emerging from behind a wall behind him] If these chucklenuts weren't punching holes in reality, we could open our own rifts. For now we're stuck taking the long route. But I sense another rift around here somewhere... [Dr. N. Brio makes a sudden appearance that causes Lani-Loli to fly backwards into Crash's arms.] Ahhhhh!
[Akano turns and slowly floats away into a nearby Quantum Rift.]
Lani-Loli: Short and to the point. Love this guy!
[Crash is confused for a moment before he notices N. Brio, too, making him jump into Coco's arms in fright, still holding Lani-Loli. Coco frowns in annoyance.]
N. Brio: [grins and wields a beaker of purple potion] Friends! I have a fun little game for you to play! I've got a reward for the clever bandicoots who can reach my testing grounds... but you'll have to defeat my deadly [mixes the purple and green potions] diabolical creations along the way! Muahahaha!

After Give It a Spin[edit]

[Dr. N. Brio appears at the far side of Tranquility Falls under the cover of a green smoke potion.]
N. Brio: Muhuhahaha! Ha!

Potion Commotion: Halfway point[edit]

[Tranquility Falls, sunset.]

[Dr. N. Brio chuckles from a small rooftop, watching the bandicoot standing by the door below. He raises his arm and prepares to throw a potion. Suddenly, Tawna appears from behind him.]
Tawna: Hey!
[N. Brio flinches, throwing off his aim and making him throw the potion at the wrong target.]
N. Brio: Daaah!
[The potion is thrown at the door rather than his intended target, causing the door to open. N. Brio snarls in frustration as Tawna cracks her knuckles and readies her fists for a fight. The doctor whirls around and throws another smoke potion at his feet, disappearing within the blast.]

Cutscene 010[edit]

[Dr. N. Brio's testing grounds.]

[Crash and Coco run into Dr. N. Brio's testing grounds where he stands waiting on a platform in front of a gong just above.]
N. Brio: Muahahahaha! Oh good, you've arrived! And now for your reward!

Trouble Brewing: End point[edit]

[Dr. N. Brio's testing grounds.]

[Dr. N. Brio, in his monster form, screams as he plummets off the side of his testing grounds, landing on a stone platform. A green beaker falls and lands on top of him, shattering and covering the doctor in its contents.]

Cutscene 011[edit]

[Dr. N. Brio's testing grounds.]

[Crash and Coco stare down at him for a moment before turning and walking away triumphantly.]
Coco: Yeah!
Crash: Haha!
[The two flinch and whirl around in surprise as something rises up from the darkness behind them. Dr. N. Brio lands near the edge of his testing grounds, now in the form of a pterodactyl.]
N. Brio: And now for my final t-t-test. Taste my reptilian wrath! [suddenly flinches and groans, folding his wings over his stomach] Auagh! cloaca... [opens his wings and flinches back] Bwaa!? [a freshly laid egg on the floor between his legs has been revealed] Ughhh...oww...oohh...
[N. Brio quickly flies away, whimpering and groaning in embarrassment. Coco stares after Brio in shock, but Crash runs behind her and triumphantly holds up the egg.]
Crash: Bada-bah!
[Coco approaches Crash.]
Coco: Let's get out of here.
[Coco grabs Crash by the arm and drags him out of the testing grounds as he still clings on to the egg.]

Cutscene 012[edit]

[Mosquito Marsh, day.]

[On the boardwalks, Dingodile's stroll is interrupted as he whiffs a delicious scent on the breeze and his stomach growls loudly.]
Dingodile: Ohoho, Crikey, I'm starved! Wait, is that...? [sniffs] Roadkill Pie? [sniffs again] Slug and [starts running down the boardwalk, following the scent] centipede gumbo? [sniffs once more] Braised bat tacos with gaunamole? [Stops in a shock, leading the camera turning to reveal the source of the smell: Dingodile's very own eatery, Dingo's Diner.] Well now, what have we got here?

[Scene change: Mosquito Marsh, night.]

[The camera cuts to a small CRT TV, revealing that the preceding scene was a commercial all along. Dingodile on the ad mugs the camera, speaking directly to the audience.]
Dingodile: Tired of that vile swill Papa Batfield cooks up in his filthy outhouse? C'mon down to Dingo's Diner!
[Dingodile winks at the camera as the narrator begins to read out a disclaimer. He awkwardly attempts to hold his cheesy grin as the narrator drones on and on.]
Disclaimer: Food served at Dingo's Diner may not meet the legal definition of “food.” Consume at your own risk. [It is revealed that the TV was inside of Dingodile's trailer home the entire time, with the monster himself watching the advert, half-awake on his armchair.] Side effects of dining at Dingo's diner may include fatigue, increased body odor, risk-seeking behavior, [Dingodile jumps to full alertness and turns to look out of the window] thinking too much about your uncle, increased hunger, decreased hunger, alienation from friends and family... [Dingodile is faced with a small gang of Wumpashiners approaching his diner, carrying piles of explosives.] skin irritation, ennui, leaky orifices, oozing orifices, glowing orifices, additional orifices, gas, wumpa cheeks, remembering that girl from highschool - what's she up to? Do you think she's happy?
Dingodile: Oi, you buggers [angrily punches the wall below the window] stay outta my diner!
[Dingodile turns and runs for the Vacuum Cannon.]
Disclaimer: and profuse [Dingodile runs the Vacuum Cannon] vomiting. No shirts, [Dingodile leaves his trailer] no shoes, no [Dingodile laughs maniacally] bats!

Cutscene 013[edit]

[Mosquito Marsh, night.]

[Dingodile stands in the burning wreckage of the building he has just set alight.]
Dingodile: Ehehe.
[Dingodile hefts his Vacuum Cannon off of his shoulder and blows on the muzzle, only for a Quantum Rift to open directly below him. He struggles to climb back out, but his Vacuum Cannon flies up and bounces on his head twice, sending him falling through.]

No Dillo Dallying: Halfway point[edit]

[Mosquito Marsh, sunrise.]

[Dingodile hops up the stair onto the top of the armadillo's food boat. He chuckles softly before breathing a sigh of relief, happy to be home. This joy does not last long, as another Quantum Rift opens up behind him, with the unaware armadillo still driving the boat straight for it. Dingodile screams and fruitlessly tries to run away, only to be sucked into the rift.]
Dingodile: Crikey, not again!
[Dingodile is now sucked in. The boat proceeds forward under the dock, with the armadillo chef none the wiser.]

Cutscene 014[edit]

[Mosquito Marsh, sunrise.]

[Kupuna-Wa floats on the spot in front of a food stand, softly snoring in her sleep. She yawns and wakes up as Crash, Coco, and Lani-Loli approach her.]
Kupuna-Wa: Wah? What time is it? Oh goodness, I ought to know... Crash! Coco! C'mon, give old Kupuna-Wa a kiss, eh? Ehehehe! [kisses Crash] Mwah! [Crash quickly faints soon after. Coco stares at Kupuna-Wa, confused.] Don't look at me like I broke wind at a wedding. I'm Time! I see everything! And I [Crash gets back up.] mean [Crash shakes his head dizzily] everything. There's some very unexpected developments in your future. Your very near future. SHOCKING events that will CHANGE THE COURSE OF YOUR LIFE--
Lani-Loli: [hastily darts in between Kupuna-Wa and the bandicoots] Yeah just gonna stop you there before you tell us how we all die!
Kupuna-Wa: Well if you'd rather not know about the GIANT, mask-eating monster from beyond the stars... that is your choice!
Lani-Loli: [shocked as Kupuna-Wa speaks] Leaving now!
[Kupuna-Wa laughs and she and the two bandicoots slowly follow Lani-Loli through the rift.]

Before the 11th Dimension, 1954[edit]

Kupuna-Wa: Right then! Need a hand?
[Kupuna-Wa opens up a new Quantum Rift, revealing the next dimension.]

Cutscene 015[edit]

[The 11th Dimension, night.]

[Crash, Coco, and Lani-Loli arrive at the 11th Dimension, jumping out of the rift onto a pier below. Coco safely lands on the wood, but Crash lands on a patch of ice, sending him sliding on his stomach. He looks up to see a hologram of Dr. Cortex.]
Neo Cortex: Crash Bandicoot. You banished me to the past, but all it did was give more time to plan your doom. [Crash gets up.] You'll find me up the mountain. Don't freeze on the way!
[The hologram disappears and its projector flies off.]
Lani-Loli: Wow, you know I'm sensing a real fraught history here. How many have you beaten this clown anyway?
Coco: Three.
Lani-Loli: Really only three? [Crash responds in agreement.] Funny, seemed like more.

Ship Happens: Halfway point[edit]

[The 11th Dimension, night.]

[Dr. Cortex reaches a lookout and looks down to see a bandicoot running to approach a ship suspended in front of a waterfall.]
Neo Cortex: Oh!
[Cortex laughs evilly as he pulls out a remote with a large red button on it.]
Neo Cortex: Just a few more steps and you'll be bandicoot- Bar--barba-ACHOO! [Cortex's sneeze causes him to inadvertently press down on the button. The doctor looks up in fear, with his eyes quivering] Aghhh!

Building Bridges: Halfway point[edit]

[The 11th Dimension, sunrise.]

[Tawna runs forward across the platform to a console with a giant yellow button with a grey double arrow on it.]
Tawna: Hmm...
[Tawna presses the button. A platform with a large stack of Nitro Crates on it is moved across the gap by pulleys and ropes, making it into a path. She smiles in satisfaction.]
Tawna: Hm!

Cutscene 016[edit]

[Dr. Neo Cortex's airship, day.]

[Crash and Coco face Dr. Cortex on deck. The doctor sits in a large command center, with levers in hand.]
Neo Cortex: CRASH BANDICOOT. It's about time. This is going to be just like the old days... except this time everything will go according to my plan! Hahahahahaha!

4th Time's a Charm: End point[edit]

[Dr. Neo Cortex's airship, day.]

[The Cortex Command Center begins to shake and spark.]
Neo Cortex: Not again!
[The Cortex Command Center explodes, sending Cortex flying to the ground below, screaming.]

Cutscene 017[edit]

[Dr. Neo Cortex's airship, day.]

[Dr. Cortex shakily picks himself up to his knees.]
Neo Cortex: [slams his fists into the ground below in pure, agonized frustration] Blasted bandicoots! [whimpers and begins shuffling towards Crash on his knees] Must we keep going around and around like this? [grabs Crash and lightly shakes him] Tell me, Crash, is this all there is, forever? [Crash shrugs awkwardly. Cortex lets go and drops to the floor.] Ughhh...
[Suddenly, a hologram of Dr. N. Tropy appears between Crash, Coco, and Cortex, sending all three jumping backwards in terror.]
N. Tropy: I knew you would be unable to handle this simplest of tasks.
Neo Cortex: [betrayed] Gloat all you want, I quit. [turns and storms off] If you need me I'll be on a tropical island somewhere. Alone.
N. Tropy: How fortunate. You see, I no longer have need for our alliance. I've found a new partner... [Cortex freezes.] and a new plan.
[Cortex slowly turns around.]
Neo Cortex: [outraged] You were scheming behind my back?!
N. Tropy: Of course! The Rift Generator has capabilities beyond your meager imagination. You were content to simply rule over space and time, but I'd rather start from scratch. Erase it all. Wipe the slate clean. I'm going to reset the timeline and rebuild it to my liking. I will become a god. Which means YOU won't exist, and neither will those featherbrained masks, or those meddling marsupials! Hahahahaha!
[The hologram disappears into its projector.]
Neo Cortex: Wiped from existence by that pompous peacock?! I'd like to see him try after I shove that tuning fork up his--
Coco: BUT not if we get him first.
[Coco and Crash grin and pose confidently, with Coco putting her hands on her hip.]
Neo Cortex: It appears we have a common enemy. Perhaps there's a way out of our endless cycle after all. [Crash runs forward and scoops up Cortex into a tight hug, nuzzling his cheek.] Huh? Okay... umm... [Coco sighs.] hmmm... hm.

Before Eggipus Dimension, 88 Million B.C.B[edit]

[A Quantum Qift opens, revealing the next dimension. Dr. Cortex attempts to follow the bandicoot to the next dimension by sliding on the rail, only to slip and fall off.]
Neo Cortex: Guagh!
[Cortex falls down from the sky and face-plants into the ground in the Eggipus Dimension, grunting in pain.]

Rock Blocked: Halfway point[edit]

[Eggipus Dimension, sunset.]

[Dingodile spots another rift off in the distance and runs for it, only to find himself on the edge of a cliff.]
Dingodile: Hmm... Whoa! [He looks around anxiously, then hears the roar of an approaching T-Rex.] WHOA! [Using his Vacuum Cannon to launch himself forward, he makes a leap across a lava pool towards the rocky arch that the rift is hovering over. Meanwhile, the T-Rex charges down the path in bandicoot pursuit. Dingodile cries out in fear as he sees the dinosaur approaching and drops down, landing on the side of the arch.] Ooh!
[Dingodile hastily scrabbles up the side of the rock formation and jumps into the rift just in time, causing the arch to collapse in the process.]

Cutscene 018[edit]

[Eggipus Dimension, sunset.]

[Crash, Coco, and Dr. Cortex walk up to Ika-Ika, who is sleeping inside half of a dinosaur egg shell.]
Lani-Loli: [darts towards his brother] WAKE UP!
[Ika-Ika screams as he jumps awake, inadvertently flipping gravity in shock, flipping Crash, Coco and Cortex upside down onto the cave ceiling above.]
Ika-Ika: Bwah? Goodness, if it isn't Lani-Loli! How are you, brother?
[Lani-Loli smiles, but before he can respond, Coco steps forward.]
Coco: Uhhh, sorry to interrupt but existence could end in any minute so can we hurry?
[Ika-Ika flips upside down, swapping to his downer personality.]
Ika-Ika: [sighs] When's existence ever done anything for anyone, anyway? [flips the gravity again, bringing them back down, and switches back to his main personality in the process] Oh don't mind grumpy gus, he's always a downer. [briefly switches back to downer] Yeah, don't mind me. I don't matter. Nothing matters.
Coco: Now that we found Ika-Ika, that's all four! What's next?
Lani-Loli: We can't close the rifts until we stop whatever is opening them.
Neo Cortex: That would be N. Tropy and his precious “Rift Generator.”
Coco: Sounds like it's time to kick some N. Tropy butt!
[Crash spins and strikes a determined pose.]
Crash: Heh-hah!

Before Bermugula's Orbit, ???[edit]

Ika-Ika: May I assist?
[With a flash, a new Quantum Rift opens, revealing the next dimension.]

Cutscene 019[edit]

[Bermugula's Orbit.]

[Crash, Coco, and Dr. Cortex fall from a rift into a space ship.]
Dingodile: Crikey!
[Crash, Coco, and Cortex land right on top of Dingodile, who was standing on the platform below.]
Coco: Dingodile?!
[Crash, Coco, and Cortex clench their fists, ready for battle.]
Dingodile: [raises his hands disarmingly] Easy, chums. If I was here to fight you'd be cactus.
[Tawna appears from behind Dingodile.]
Tawna: He's with me. Found him lost out there. Caught up on the whole... time, space, y'know, thing.
Dingodile: Yeah. Just tryin' to get home. I was enjoying the retired life, see.
Coco: Got it. Our bad guy's had a change of heart too.
Neo Cortex: “Bad guy”?
[Cortex's hair droops miserably. The group looks around, confused, as familar voices ring out.]
N. Tropy: Silence, whelp!
N. Oxide: But, sir!
N. Tropy: You try my patience, Oxide.
[Finally, they notice a large monitor right by the platform they were standing on. On it, Oxide can be seen sitting at a control panel, with Dr. N. Tropy and Dr. N. Tropy (F) standing over him on either side.]
N. Oxide: But--
N. Tropy (F): Now, now. I'm sure this [roughly grabs Oxide's snout and tugs on it] insect knows how to obey an order.
[Tawna points at N. Tropy (F), while Cortex points at N. Tropy.]
Tawna/Neo Cortex: N. Tropy!
[Tawna and Cortex look at each other in confusion.]
N. Tropy (F): Take your ship to Planet Bermugula and be on the lookout for ships approaching The Rift [finally lets go of Oxide's trunk] Generator. We can't afford any unwanted visitors.
N. Oxide: At once, your foulness!
N. Tropy: You manage our affairs with such poise.
N. Tropy (F): Naturally. As do you.
[N. Tropy smirks at N. Tropy (F). N. Tropy (F) flirtatiously smiles back. Oxide looks back and forth between the two, looking uncomfortable and disgusted. N. Tropy growls softly and makes a claw motion at N. Tropy (F). She bites her lip and chuckles under her breath.]
Coco: Blaurgh.
[Cut back to the main group's terrified reactions. Cortex shakes his head in disgust.]
Tawna: Ugh barf.
Dingodile: [nudges Crash and points at the monitor] Ehehehehe.

Shipping Error: Halfway point[edit]

[Bermugula's Orbit.]

[Dr. Cortex runs for the tractor beam's control panel. He looks up in panic as a small ship begins to take off.]
Neo Cortex: Aghhh!
[Cortex frantically searches for the ship's tractor beam controls and begins pressing random buttons. A recording of Oxide's voice begins to play from the computer.]
N. Oxide: September 9th, entry seven. Dear Diary, [Cortex shakes his head and continues to press buttons] that rash still hasn't gone away, and--
[Cortex finally finds the correct button.]
Computer: Tractor beam... enabled.
[An electric beam shoots out and catches the ship in its pull, preventing it from leaving. Cortex wipes his forehead and sighs in relief.]

Cutscene 020[edit]

[Nitros Oxide's ship.]

[Crash and Coco stand in a room in the ship. Coco swipes through her tablet.]
Coco: It looks like we're en route to the Rift Generator. But we'd be a lot faster in... [points at the nearby Hovercraft] that! [The siblings go to approach the kart, only to be tied together by a rope shot out by Tawna, who steps forward.] What the--?! [Tawna tightens the knot.] Tawna?
Tawna: I'm not losing you guys in this dimension too. I'll handle this.
[Tawna jumps into the hovercraft.]
Coco: But... [Tawna takes off through the airlock] we're a team...
[Tawna looks back briefly, but soon returns her focus to flying, glaring in determination. Suddenly, Dr. Cortex and Dingodile appear behind the bandicoot siblings.]
Dingodile: Oi! What'd I miss?

Cutscene 021[edit]

[Rift Generator.]

[Tawna is knocked back by a blast of energy. Both Dr. N. Tropy scientists smirk at her maliciously before N. Tropy (F) lashes out with her tuning fork, knocking Tawna to the ground. N. Tropy (F) picks up Tawna by catching her neck between the prongs of her tuning fork, looking her in the face as she tries to get out.]
N. Tropy (F): What's the matter, hero? Couldn't solo this one?
Coco: [offscreen] Let her go!
[Suddenly, Coco, Crash, Dr. Cortex and Dingodile emerge from a Quantum Rift, ready for the final battle.]
N. Tropy (F): [turns to N. Tropy] The last time I killed her friends, her screams were exquisite.
[Crash and Coco gasp in fear.]
N. Tropy: Delicious.
Tawna: No!
N. Tropy: Let's make this fun. Give them a sporting chance!
N. Tropy (F): Ooh! [throws Tawna to the ground as she lands at Crash and Coco's feet, leading them quickly rushing forward to check if she's okay] Let's see what you mongrels can do as a pack.
[The whole group looks up in horror. The N. Tropy doctors slam their tuning forks into the ground in unison, making a massive burst of energy that knocks Crash and Coco out.]

[Scene change: Space.]

[Crash and Coco are found unconscious on a floating piece of stone by a Quantum Rift. Akano emerges from the rift and looks at them.]
Akano: AWAKE. [Crash awakens, gets up, and groans. Coco awakens, groans, and gets up.] FOLLOW.
[Akano turns and goes back into the rift. Crash and Coco turn to follow Akano through the rift.]

A Hole in Space: End point[edit]

[Rift Generator.]

[Both Dr. N. Tropy scientists are sent flying into the Rift Generator.]
N. Tropy: [slides down] Curse you...
N. Tropy (F): [slides down] ...bandicoots!
[The N. Tropy doctors collapse onto the floor.]

Cutscene 022[edit]

[Rift Generator.]

[Crash stands and looks at the Dr. N. Tropy scientists triumphantly before doing a dance.]
Coco: We did it!
Tawna: Yeah, we did.
[Coco and Tawna give each other a high-five and laugh. Dr. Cortex approaches N. Tropy to gloat.]
Neo Cortex: What's the matter? Unable to handle even this simplest of tasks? I no longer have need for our--
[Dingodile interrupts Cortex's speech by whacking the N. Tropy doctors with his tail, sending them flying.]
Dingodile: Bloody dags.
Neo Cortex: ...alliance.
[The N. Tropy doctors fly over Kupuna-Wa into a rift.]
Kupuna-Wa: Right then! Let's plug up these holes!
[Lani-Loli, Akano, and Ika-Ika nod in agreement to join Kupuna-Wa, to which Lani-Loli exclaims and chuckles. As the Quantum Masks line up around the Rift Generator, they grunt in exertion as they concentrate their powers before beginning to rapidly spin around it, causing an explosion of bright golden light. The group look around in awe as beams of light shoot out. All around the multiverse, the rifts close up. Finally the masks quit spinning, and, exhausted, float back over to the main group.]
Dingodile: Oi, not that it ain't been fun, but about my ticket home...
Kupuna-Wa: Right! Now that we've mended things, we can take you anywhere, [Cortex puts his hand on his chin and smirks in thought] anywhen... after we rest. For now I can only get us as far as the culinary capital of the universe: Neon City!
[The group all smile in appreciation. Crash licks his lips, flopping his tongue loosely out of his mouth. Lani-Loli opens a rift and motions to it eagerly with an joyful exclamation. Tawna holds out her hand to Coco. Coco takes it as the group runs toward the rift, but quickly lets go to run faster.]
Akano: Mmm... nachos.

Cutscene 023[edit]

[Neon City, day.]

[Crash, Coco, and Aku Aku arrive on a platform in Neon City. They all look around at the city in shock.]
Crash: Whoa!
Coco: You said it, Crash!
Aku Aku: We can meet with the others after we've explored. Now, which way are the food trucks?

The Crate Escape: Halfway point[edit]

[Neon City, day.]

[Dr. Cortex approaches the rest of the group where they stand together by his airship.]
Tawna: The shnurgle shank was killer!
Dingodile: Ugh, strewth! Who cooked it?! Heat was too high. S'why it was [Cortex looks up at Kupuna-Wa] all rubbery inside. Subpar [Cortex furrows his brow in thought] grill marks, too.
Coco: I liked the pickled wumpa leaves.
Dingodile: Ughhh...
Neo Cortex: Cortex, you CAD! Why did you not see it before? Muahahaha!
[Cortex pulls out his ray gun and zaps Kupuna-Wa with it, catching her in some kind of white ray, which leads her grunting pin pain. Cortex laughs triumphantly and runs off into the airship, pulling Kupuna-Wa along with him. The rest of the group goes to chase after him, only for the ship to start taking off. Two pieces of cargo fall out of the back towards them, but Dingodile and Tawna kick them away. The two give a boost to Crash and Coco, sending them flying up after the airship.]
Tawna: Give him hell!

Cutscene 024[edit]

[Dr. Neo Cortex's airship, day.]

[Dr. Cortex stands on the deck, still holding Kupuna-Wa captive. Crash and Coco run over to him.]
Neo Cortex: There's another way I can break this cycle of endless fighting between us. [Crash and Coco clench their fists, ready for the true final battle.] I can go back to where it started... I can undo my greatest failure!
[Crash raises his right eyebrow, misunderstanding.]
Coco: He means you, Crash.
[Crash puts a hand on his chest and gasps in pain. Cortex cackles madly and raises his hand as he harnesses Kupuna-Wa's power.]
Kupuna-Wa: Nyaugh!
[Cortex opens a rift big enough for the entire airship.]
Neo Cortex: Bye-bye, bandicoots.
[A massive gust of wind sends Crash and Coco flying backwards through the airship. The ship proceeds through the rift, into the past. The bandicoots are then found hanging out of the docking bay at the back.]

Before Cortex Island, 1996[edit]

[Dr. Cortex's airship flies through the rift.]
Neo Cortex: And now for me to stop... ME!
[The rift has been revealed to lead to Cortex Island. Kupuna-Wa screams as she and the bandicoot fall out of the airship, landing at the base of the Cortex Castle.]

Cutscene 025[edit]

[Cortex Castle.]

[Crash and Coco fall out of a rift, landing in the toxic sewers. Crash pulls on his ears in joy, before doing the Crash Dance. Coco rolls her eyes and smiles as she claps for him. A green hologram of Dr. Cortex appears behind them.]
Neo Cortex: You again?! You two are so clingy! Take a hint already!
[Suddenly a different, yellow hologram of Cortex appears.]
Neo Cortex (Past): Who's on my super secret personal frequency?! [turns and sees his future self's hologram] What?! Who is this... this imposter?!
Neo Cortex: Do you not recognize your own face? I've come from the future to warn you! [Crash looks back and forth between the two Cortex doctors, going cross-eyed in confusion.] If you try to turn Crash Bandicoot into the general of your army you will fail! The machine rejects hi--
Neo Cortex (Past): Fraud! Fiend! N. Brio, alert the guards!
[The past Cortex's hologram turns off.]
Neo Cortex: Ugh... why won't I listen to me?!
[Cortex's hologram turns off as well. Crash looks at Coco and shrugs.]

Seeing Double: Halfway point[edit]

[Cortex Castle.]

[Dr. Cortex rounds a corner, finally coming face-to-face with his past self, who is flanked by two Lab Assistants.]
Neo Cortex (Past): Masquerade as me, will you?! Well--
Neo Cortex: I'm you from the future you idiot! I--
Neo Cortex (Past): I'm not an idiot! You're the idiot! Idiot! Get him!
[The Lab Assistants follow the past Cortex's pointing finger and approach his future self, crying out angrily and raising their hands to detain him. Cortex shoots both of them with his ray gun, sending one of them tumbling down a nearby trash chute. The past Cortex, unarmed, looks at his future self in horror. Cortex smirks confidently, chuckling, and he aims his ray gun at his past self, who raises his hands.]

Cutscene 026[edit]

[Cortex Castle.]

[Crash, Coco, and Aku Aku finally enter a giant room in the depths of the castle. Dr. Cortex is seating in his newly repaired Cortex Command Center, with his past self suspended in a small cage by him, unconscious. The bandicoots and Aku Aku gasp.]
Neo Cortex: Do you have any idea how stubborn I used to be?
[Crash responds to indicate agreement.]
Coco/Aku Aku: Yes.
[Cortex scoffs and glares down at the heroes.]
Neo Cortex: I need to [points at his past self] stop him from making [points at Crash] you, [points back at his past self] but I can't kill him because that would kill [points at himself] me so I guess that means I have to kill [points back at Crash] you. Muahahahahaha!

The Past Unmasked: End point[edit]

[Cortex Castle.]

[The Cortex Command Center explodes again, sending Dr. Neo Cortex tumbling down to the ground below, and careens down into the pit below.]
Neo Cortex: [pounds the ground with his hands in frustration] Not like this! [The Cortex Command Center explodes one more time. The resulting impact sends a small pile of crates on a nearby shelf falling down onto Cortex's head, one by one. The first crate lands on his head.] Doh! [The second crate lands on his head.] Ugh! [The third crate lands on his head.] Oh! [The fourth crate lands on his head.] Ow! [The fifth crate lands on his head.] Huh! [The sixth and final crate lands on his head.] Augh!
[Finally, Cortex collapses.]

Cutscene 027[edit]

[Cortex Castle.]

[With Dr. Cortex defeated, Crash pulls a lever on a nearby control panel, freeing Past Cortex from his cage.]
Neo Cortex (Past): [falls out of the cage's hatch] Ughhh... [lands at the ground] oooh! [shakily climbs to his feet and stretches before noticing his present self unconscious on the floor with Coco quickly hiding behind the panel and pulling Crash behind it] Hmm, must've taken a hit to the old temporal lobe. But a fallen foe can only mean one thing... it came to blows and I WON! My new General's first order of business will be to dispose of you! [cheerfully runs off to his lab, leaving Cortex alone on the ground] Muahahaha!
[Crash and Coco emerge from behind the panel and notice a feed of the lab on a nearby monitor.]
Neo Cortex (Past): We are closer than ever before! Quickly! Into the vortex!
N. Brio: But Doctor Cortex, the [Crash leans against a piece of machinery as he watches his past self being raised into the vortex] Vortex is not ready! We have [Crash inadvertently presses a button, releasing some kind of power source.] no idea [The power source falls out of place and Crash tries to grab it.] what it could do, [The power source falls shatters on the ground] ehehhehe!
[The vortex begins to malfunction.]
Neo Cortex (Past): Failure again!
Coco: Explains a lot.
Neo Cortex: [begins to stir] Nyuuuagh.
[Akano drops down onto Cortex's back, holding him down.]
Akano: You. Stay.
Neo Cortex: Ugh... what are you going to do to me?
Kupuna-Wa: Nuh-uh-uh! Looks like somebody needs a little time out...
Lani-Loli: ...somewhere he can't cause any trouble!
Ika-Ika: Enjoy the end of the universe!
[The masks conjure a Quantum Rift, which quickly sucks Cortex in.]
Neo Cortex: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
[Crash then dances in celebration, ending by grinning at the camera.]

[Scene change: Dingo's Diner advertisement.]

Dingodile: Dingo's Diner is back and ready for you! Say g'day to delectable dishes inspired by my interdimensional travels! Enjoy the breeze with our innovative three-wall dining room design! Dingo's Diner: health and safety rated- “D” [Shows a "D" in sign language.] for “Delicious”
Disclaimer: Warning: [The "D" on the restaurant falls down.] “D” is a failing sanitation grade and does not stand for delicious.
[The screen turns off.]

[Scene change: End of the universe.]

[Cortex, alone, looks around at the endless dark wasteland surrounding him. He laughs once bitterly.]
Neo Cortex: Ahhhhh. [lies down on the ground, relaxed, with his hands behind his head] Peace at last.

[Scene change: N. Sanity Island, sunset.]

[Crash is napping on the couch while Coco and Tawna play a video game.]
Tawna: Ooh ooh! [Aku Aku and the Quantum Masks watch them play. N. Brio's egg is sitting by the couch.] Almost there, almost there! Get the-- yes!
Coco: YES! Wumpa [gives Tawna a high-five] victory! [the masks cheer them on] Hey Crash, you're in!
[Tawna throws her controller to Crash, which hits him in the head, making him jump awake. He grabs the controller and sits up, ready to play.]
Coco/Tawna: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Aku Aku: Hahahahaha.
[Aku Aku looks out to the sea. All is at peace.]

Cutscene 028[edit]

[House, night.]

[Dr. N. Gin is seen sitting on a chair with his saxophone in hand.]
Narrator: N. Gin abandoned his heavy metal lifestyle for one of smooth jazz. His album “My Heart is a Doomsday Device” is currently number one in elevators all over the world. He'll be playing in the hotel bar from 3 to 3:30.

[Scene change: Museum, sunrise.]

[Dr. N. Brio, in his pterodactyl form, is trapped in a glass dome at the museum where people are viewing him, with Ripper Roo among the museum's staff.]
Narrator: N. Brio was caught and caged after being mistaken for a flying squirrel. He is on display in the Art of Taxidermy at Ripper Roo's Curious Cabinet of Curiosities.

[Scene change: Raceway, sunset.]

[Nitros Oxide is seen racing N. Trance and Zem.]
Narrator: To fuel his need for speed, Oxide became hooked on caffeine. He was hired as the spokesperson for a leading brand of energy drink. He is currently in rehab and in the throes of a messy divorce.

[Scene change: Dr. Neo Cortex's airship, day.]

[The lab assistants have transformed Dr. Cortex's airship into a successful pop-up market with a focus on healing crystals.]
Narrator: Without their master, Cortex's lab assistants found themselves in need of a new gig. They renovated his blimp, turning it into a successful pop-up shop specializing in healing crystals.

[Scene change: Mosquito Marsh, night.]

[Dingodile is in a news report about Dingo's Diner. Customers are seen reacting in a bad state after eating the food from the diner.]
Narrator: Dingodile franchised his restaurant operation, with Dingo's Diner rising to become the first name in chain fast-casual dining. They closed overnight with officials citing “record health code violations”. The original location remains open during its condemnation.

[Scene change: Eggipus Dimension, day.]

[A volcano is erupting as Tawna is relaxing in the Eggipus Dimension.]
Narrator: After successful expeditions to El Dorado, Shangri-La, Atlantis, and a brief fling with some dweeb named Shmathan Trake, Tawna is taking a brief hiatus from her adventures to re-center. She's recently taken up scrapbooking. She's not very good yet, but she's getting there.

[Scene change: Raceway, night.]

[Chick and Stew announce of Coco's victory over Nina Cortex. Crash, Cortex, Tawna, Dingodile, and Catbat are among the audience, with Crash, Tawna, and Catbat being proud of Coco and Cortex being disappointed in Nina, although Dingodile is grinning for no reason.]
Narrator: After trying and failing to invent the world's first self-flying flying car, Coco found a new career as an esports champion. Don't forget to follow KickassCoco and SMASH that “adore” button!

[Scene change: Space.]

[Dr. N. Tropy and her female counterpart are staring at the earth as gods.]
Narrator: The dimensions have heard nothing more of The Doctors Tropy since Crash foiled their plans... But evil geniuses are harder to squash than cockroaches.

[Scene change: Voiceover booth.]

[The narrator is revealed to be Crash.]
Narrator: And as for me, heh. Well, let's just say I'm doing just fine.

Cutscene 029[edit]

[End of the universe.]

[Dr. Cortex is still relaxing, laying on his back on the dark sands of the wasteland. He sighs in relief, only to hear something ring out from the darkness.]
Uka Uka: Huahahahahahahahahaha! [Cortex quickly sits up, startled, and exclaims. He stands up and looks around for the source of the sound in horror. The camera cuts to a dark void, with only the glow of Uka Uka's eyes illuminating the gloom.] Huahahahahahahahahaha...
[Finally, his full face is illuminated as he bares his teeth, grinning at the camera maliciously.]