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Nitro Tour Grand Prix

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Nitro Tour Grand Prix
Nitro Tour Grand Prix.jpg
Duration July 3 - July 28, 2019
Character(s) Tawna Bandicoot
Kart(s) Bandibuggy
Le Chaux
<< List of Grand Prix >>

The Nitro Tour Grand Prix was the first Grand Prix in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. It lasted from July 3rd to July 28th, 2019. It was themed around international racing, especially Egypt. The characters introduced were the Nitro Squad, which consisted of Tawna, Liz, Megumi, Ami, and Isabella. It also introduced the course Twilight Tour and three karts; Bandibuggy, Rocket, and Le Chaux. Like Twilight Tour, the themed stickers and Cortex's pharaoh skin are also themed after Ancient Egypt.

Pit Stop exclusives[edit]

The total minimum cost of buying every item at the Pit Stop is 91,100 Wumpa Coins.

Character bundles[edit]

Each character bundle costs 5,175 Wumpa Coins.

Bundle Items
Nitro Squad Ami bundle.png
Nitro Squad: Ami
Default icon.pngCTRNF Ami icon.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Ami icon.png

Motorsport Ami

Exotic icon.pngAmi Green paint job.png

Paint Job
Ami Green

Legendary icon.pngEleven sticker.png


Nitro Squad Megumi bundle.png
Nitro Squad: Megumi
Default icon.pngCTRNF Megumi icon.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Megumi icon.png

Motorsport Megumi

Exotic icon.pngMegumi White paint job.png

Paint Job
Megumi White

Legendary icon.pngNinety-Nine sticker.png


Nitro Squad Liz bundle.png
Nitro Squad: Liz
Default icon.pngCTRNF Liz icon.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Liz icon.png

Motorsport Liz

Exotic icon.pngLiz Violet paint job.png

Paint Job
Liz Violet

Legendary icon.pngSixty Six sticker.png

Sixty Six

Nitro Squad Isabella bundle.png
Nitro Squad: Isabella
Default icon.pngCTRNF Isabella icon.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Isabella icon.png

Motorsport Isabella

Exotic icon.pngIsabella Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
Isabella Blue

Legendary icon.pngEighty-Eight sticker.png


Kart Sets[edit]

Name Items Wumpa Coins
Le Chaux Kart Set.png
Le Chaux Kart Set
Default icon.pngCTRNF Le Chaux Kart icon.png

Le Chaux

Exotic icon.pngCTRNF Le Chaux Wheels icon.png

Le Chaux

Basic icon.pngContour decal.png

Decal (Le Chaux)

Exotic icon.pngLe Chaux Yellow paint job.png

Paint Job
Le Chaux Yellow

Sticker Packs[edit]

Name Items Wumpa Coins
Nitro Team sticker pack.png
Nitro Team
Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Ami sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Isabella sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Liz sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Megumi sticker.png


Color Sets[edit]

Color Sets containing three Flag stickers have a large 53% discount in spite of the hefty price of a Legendary sticker, meaning such a Color Set amounts to 1750, otherwise the full price of one exotic Paint Job with one Legendary sticker. Color sets containing one Flag sticker only has a 10% discount, amounting to 1575.

Color Set Items Wumpa Coins
Nitro Tour Pack 1 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 1
Exotic icon.pngBlue White Red paint job.png

Paint Job
Blue, White & Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Australia sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngFrance sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF United States of America sticker.png

United States of America

Nitro Tour Pack 2 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 2
Exotic icon.pngBlack Yellow Red paint job.png

Paint Job
Black, Yellow & Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Belgium sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Germany sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Spain sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 3 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 3
Exotic icon.pngWhite Red Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
White, Red & Blue

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Czech Republic sticker.png

Czech Republic

Legendary icon.pngNew Zealand sticker.png

New Zealand

Legendary icon.pngUnited Kingdom sticker.png

United Kingdom

Nitro Tour Pack 4 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 4
Exotic icon.pngRed White Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
Red, White & Blue

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Netherlands sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngNorway sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngRussia sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 5 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 5
Exotic icon.pngYellow Green Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
Yellow, Green & Blue

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Brazil sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 6 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 6
Exotic icon.pngBlue Yellow paint job.png

Paint Job
Blue & Yellow

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Sweden sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 7 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 7
Exotic icon.pngWhite Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
White & Blue

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Argentina sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Finland sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Greece sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 8 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 8
Exotic icon.pngWhite Red paint job.png

Paint Job
White & Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Chile sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Japan sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Poland sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 9 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 9
Exotic icon.pngRed White paint job.png

Paint Job
Red & White

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Austria sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Canada sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Denmark sticker.png


Nitro Tour Pack 10 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 10
Exotic icon.pngGreen White Red paint job.png

Paint Job
Green, White & Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Italy sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Mexico sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF United Arabia Emirates sticker.png

United Arabia Emirates

Nitro Tour Pack 11 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 11
Exotic icon.pngGreen Yellow Red paint job.png

Paint Job
Green, Yellow & Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF South Africa sticker.png

South Africa

Nitro Tour Pack 12 icon.png
Nitro Tour Pack 12
Exotic icon.pngGreen White Orange paint job.png

Paint Job
Green, White & Orange

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Ireland sticker.png


Individual items[edit]

Default icon.pngCTRNF Ami icon.png


Default icon.pngCTRNF Megumi icon.png


Default icon.pngCTRNF Liz icon.png


Default icon.pngCTRNF Isabella icon.png


Each character costs 1,500 Wumpa Coins.
Character Skins
Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Biker Crash icon.png

Biker Crash

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Pharaoh Cortex icon.png

Pharaoh Cortex

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Tiny Biker icon.png

Tiny Biker

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Crash Test Dummy N Gin icon.png

Crash Test Dummy N. Gin

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Painter Dingodile icon.png

Painter Dingodile

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Ami icon.png

Motorsport Ami

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Megumi icon.png

Motorsport Megumi

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Liz icon.png

Motorsport Liz

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Isabella icon.png

Motorsport Isabella

Each character skin costs 2,500 Wumpa Coins.
Paint Jobs
Exotic icon.pngBlue Red White paint job.png

Blue, Red & White

Exotic icon.pngRed Blue White paint job.png

Red, Blue & White

Exotic icon.pngRed Yellow paint job.png

Red & Yellow

Exotic icon.pngYellow Black Red paint job.png

Yellow, Black & Red

Exotic icon.pngYellow Blue Red paint job.png

Yellow, Blue & Red

Exotic icon.pngWhite Red Green paint job.png

White, Red & Green

Each paint job costs 750 Wumpa Coins.
Kart Basic
250 Wumpa Coins
500 Wumpa Coins
1000 Wumpa Coins
Le Chaux Exotic icon.pngPinnacle decal.png


Exotic icon.pngSplit Wave decal.png

Split Wave

Exotic icon.pngFlowing Arrows decal.png

Flowing Arrows

Legendary icon.pngFiery Eagle decal.png

Fiery Eagle

Bandibuggy Basic icon.pngTwin Bands decal.png

Twin Bands

Basic icon.pngSpots decal.png


Legendary icon.pngRattlesnake decal.png


Rocket Basic icon.pngCheckerboard decal.png


Basic icon.pngClassic Stripes decal.png

Classic Stripes

Exotic icon.pngSquared decal.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Blue Wheels icon.png

Twilight Blue

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Aqua Wheels icon.png

Twilight Aqua

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Green Wheels icon.png

Twilight Green

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Orange Wheels icon.png

Twilight Orange

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Pink Wheels icon.png

Twilight Pink

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Purple Wheels icon.png

Twilight Purple

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Red Wheels icon.png

Twilight Red

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Twilight Yellow Wheels icon.png

Twilight Yellow

Each set of wheels costs 2,500 Wumpa Coins.

Nitro Gauge unlocks[edit]

Bronze tier items
Nitro needed 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Item Default icon.pngCTRNF Bandibuggy Kart icon.png


Basic icon.pngHieroglyphs 1 sticker.png

Hieroglyphs 1

Exotic icon.pngBandibuggy Green paint job.png

Paint Job
Bandibuggy Green

Basic icon.pngHieroglyphs 2 sticker.png

Hieroglyphs 2

Exotic icon.pngCTRNF Bandibuggy Wheels icon.png


Default icon.pngCTRNF Tawna icon.png

Tawna Bandicoot

Silver tier items
Nitro needed 7000 9000 10000 13000 15000 17000
Item Exotic icon.pngSplinters decal.png

Decal (Bandibuggy)

Exotic icon.pngWings sticker.png


Exotic icon.pngRocket Blue paint job.png

Paint Job
Rocket Blue

Exotic icon.pngAvalanche decal.png

Decal (Bandibuggy)

Legendary icon.pngCortex Pharaoh sticker.png

Cortex Pharaoh

Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Racer Crunch icon.png

Racer Crunch

Gold tier items
Nitro needed 21000 25000 29000 33000 37000 42000
Item Default icon.pngCTRNF Rocket Kart icon.png


Exotic icon.pngCTRNF Rocket Wheels icon.png


Exotic icon.pngFire Storm decal.png

Decal (Rocket)
Fire Storm

Legendary icon.pngWinged Crown decal.png

Decal (Rocket)
Winged Crown

Legendary icon.pngTawna sticker.png


Legendary icon.pngCTRNF Motorsport Tawna icon.png

Motorsport Tawna


Pro Challenges[edit]

Challenge Description Nitro Points gained
Back into the Race Win a race in Online Matchmaking while being in 8th position at the start of the last lap 500
Beat the Best Beat the Platinum Relic time in Crash Cove 500
Crate Shatterer Break all Time Crates in Coco Park Relic Race 500
Keep Nagging Hit every opponent with a Power Up while racing in Online Matchmaking 500
Mashed Potatoes Squash 3 opponents in Crash Cove 500
Offroad is Lava Win a race twice in a row in Hot Air Skyway without going off-road 500
Reverse Speeding Win a race while driving in reverse during the whole last lap 750
Sharpshooter Hit 15 opponents in a row using a Missile without missing once 400
Start your Engine Perform 25 perfect boosts at the start of a race 250
Twice the Fun Hit 2 opponents with a single Bowling Bomb 500
Untouchable Win 5 Limit Battles in Nitro Court without being hit 350
Versatile Racer Finish in each position in Crash Cove while racing online 500

Themed Challenges[edit]

Challenge Description Nitro Points gained
Zero to First Finish 1st in Twilight Tour while starting the last lap in last place 750
Better than Yourself Establish a best time in Time Trial in Twilight Tour then beat it 500
Check out my New Ride Play in Online Matchmaking using the Bandibuggy Kart 400
Friend or Foe? Win a race against one of your friends in Online Matchmaking in Twilight Tour 600
N. Sane Podium Finish on the podium in a Single Race with each of the Grand Prix characters 750
New Champion Win a race in Online Matchmaking with all of the new Grand Prix characters 500
New Rides Finish a race in Online Matchmaking with each of the Grand Prix karts: Le Chaux, Bandibuggy, and Rocket 500
Online Hat Trick Win 3 online races in Twilight Tour 500
Power Sliding to the Limit Power slide for a total of 180 seconds with Tawna 400
Grand Prix Dominator Finish 1st in an online race with Tawna in Twilight Tour 600

Weekly Challenges[edit]

Challenge Description Nitro Points gained
First week: July 3rd to July 9th
N. Sane Hat Trick Win a game in 3 different Battle Modes on Desert Storm 250
25 in the Bag Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag 250
Crate Breaker Break up a total of 50 Crates 250
Crystal Gatherer Collect a total of 100 Crystals in any game mode 250
Fan of the Flags Play 5 games of Capture the Flag in Nitro Court 200
Friendly Meeting Race online against one of your friends 300
Kamikaze Hit another player by letting yourself explode with a TNT crate 250
Online Champion Win 10 races in Online Matchmaking driving either Team Trance,Team Oxide, or Doom Buggy 250
Perfect Start Start 10 races with a Starting Boost 300
Solo Champion Win 10 races in Single Race driving either Team Bandicoot, Team Cortex, or Imperium 250
To the Limit Play 3 games of Limit Battle in The North Bowl 250
Uka-Uka’s Minion Hit a total of 25 characters in Aku-Aku’s team 200
Second week: July 10th to July 16th
Aku-Aku’s Ally Hit a total of 25 characters in Uka-Uka’s team 200
Beating the Clock Beat your best time in Roo's Tubes 200
Friendly Meeting Race online against one of your friends 300
Hit Collector Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amounts of hits in Lab Basement 250
Kamikaze Hit another player by letting yourself explode with a TNT crate 250
King of Boosting Activate Turbo Boost a total of 50 times 250
Online Champion Win 10 races in Online Matchmaking driving either Team Bandicoot, Team Oxide, or Roadster 250
Perfect Start Start 10 races with a Starting Boost 300
Rinse and Repeat Complete 20 laps in Inferno Island 250
Solo Champion Win 10 races in Single Race driving either Team Trance, Team Cortex or Imperium 250
Triple Threat Play 3 games of Last Kart Driving in Skull Rock 250
Third week: July 17th to July 23th
25 in the Bag Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag. 250
All Rounder Win in Lab Basement in every mode. 250
Bad Driving Win a race while being hit by 10 obstacles or power ups. 250
Crate Breaker Break up a total of 50 Crates. 250
Crystal Gatherer Collect a total of 100 Crystals in any game mode. 250
Friendly Meeting Race online against one of your friends. 300
King of Boosting Activate Turbo Boost a total of 50 times. 250
Online Champion Win 10 races in Online Matchmaking driving either Team Bandicoot, KARTNAME_B or KARTNAME_C. 250
Perfect Start Start 10 races with a Starting Boost. 300
Solo Champion Win 10 races in Single Race driving either Team Bandicoot, KARTNAME_B or KARTNAME_C. 250
To the Limit Play 3 games of Limit Battle in Parking Lot. 250
Uka-Uka's Minion Hit a total of 25 characters in Aku-Aku's team. 200
Fourth week: July 24th to July 28th
N. Sane Hat Trick Win a game in 3 different Battle Modes on Skull Rock 250
25 in the Bag Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag 250
Crate Breaker Break up a total of 50 Crates 250
Crystal Gatherer Collect a total of 200 Crystals in any game mode 250
Fan of the Flags Play 5 games of Capture the Flag in Nitro Court 200
Friendly Meeting Race online against one of your friends 300
Kamikaze Hit another player by letting yourself explode with a TNT crate 250
Online Champion Win 10 races in Online Matchmaking driving either Team Trance, Team Oxide or Doom Buggy 250
Perfect Start Start 10 races with a Starting Boost 300
Solo Champion Win 10 races in Single Race driving either Team Bandicoot, Team Cortex or Imperium 250
To the Limit Play 3 games of Limit Battle in Desert Storm 250
Uka-Uka's Minion Hit a total of 25 characters in Aku-Aku's team 200

Daily Challenges[edit]

Challenge Description Nitro Points gained
July 3rd
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura, or Ripper Roo 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Polar 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Crash Cove 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dr. Neo Cortex 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Polar 75
Wumpa Collector Collect 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Crash Cove 100
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in The North Bowl 75
July 4th
As fast as Tropy Finish Android Alley in less than 3:55:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot, or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Crash Bandicoot in Capture The Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Roo's Tubes without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Aku Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Coco Bandicoot 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Android Alley 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Parking Lot 75
July 5th
Bacon Eater Steal a total of 5 flags with Pura in Steal the Bacon 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin, or Dingodile 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Pura 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Tiger Temple 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dingodile 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Tiger Temple 150
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Desert Storm 75
July 6th
As fast as Tropy Finish Coco Park in less than 2:05:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Komodo Joe, Pinstripe, or Papu Papu 100
Hit and Run Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amount of hits using Tiny Tiger 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Crystal Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Invincibility Mask using Crash Bandicoot 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Sewer Speedway 75
Whack a Dummy Use the Bomb successfully against an AI while racing in Coco Park 75
Bacon Eater Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Terra Drome 75
July 7th
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura, or Ripper Roo 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Coco Bandicoot 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Roo's Tubes 100
On to the Next One Complete Crystal Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dr. N. Gin 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Coco Bandicoot 75
Wumpa Collector Collect 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Roo's Tubes 100
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture the Flag in Magnetic Mayhem 75
July 8th
As fast as Tropy Finish Crash Cove in less than 1:45:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot, or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Ripper Roo in Capture the Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st in Tiger Temple without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Ripper Roo 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Tiger Temple 75
Bacon Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Temple Turmoil 75
July 9th
Bacon Eater Score a total of 5 flags with Pura in Steal the Bacon 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin, or Dingodile 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Papu Papu 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Jungle Boogie 100
On to the Next One Complete Uka Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Papu Papu 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Sewer Speedway 150
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture the Flag in The North Bowl 75
July 10th
As fast as Tropy Finish Dingo Canyon in less than 2:00:00 100
Bacon’s Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Komodo Joe, Pinstripe, or Papu Papu 100
Hit and Run Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amount of hits using Komodo Joe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Velo Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Invincibility Mask using Dr. Neo Cortex 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Assembly Lane 75
Whack a Dummy Use the Bomb successfully against an AI while racing in Dingo Canyon 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Rampage Ruins 75
July 11th
Bacon’s Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura, or Ripper Roo 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Pinstripe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Blizzard Bluff 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Pinstripe 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Coco Bandicoot 75
Wumpa Collector Collect 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Blizzard Bluff 100
Flag Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Capture the Flag in Lab Basement 75
July 12th
As Fast as Tropy Finish Dragon Mines in less than 2:15:00 100
Bacon's Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Fake Crash in Capture The Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Dragon Mines without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Nitro Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Fake Crash 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Papu's Pyramid 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 75
July 13th
Bacon’s Eater Score a total of 5 flags with Crunch Bandicoot in Steal the Bacon 75
Bacon’s Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin, or Dingodile 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Crunch Bandicoot 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Crash Cove 100
On to the Next One Complete Crash Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Polar 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Polar Pass 150
Flag Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Capture the Flag in The North Bowl 75
July 14th
As fast as tropy Finish Dingo Canyon in less then 2:00:00 100
Bacon's Raider Play 5 games of Steal the bacon on Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 crystals in Crystal grab with either Komodo Joe, Pinstripe or Papu Papu 100
Hit & Run Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amount of hits using Komodo Joe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a power up in an Online matchmaking race 75
On to the next one Complete Velo Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Invincibility Mask using Dr. Neo Cortex 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Assembly Lane 75
Whack a Dummy Use the Bomb successfully against an AI while racing in Dingo Canyon 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal The Bacon in Rampage Ruins 75
July 15th
Bacon’s Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura, or Ripper Roo 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Komodo Joe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Blizzard Bluff 100
On to the Next One Complete Crystal Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dingodile 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Dingodile 75
Wumpa Collector Complete 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Dragon Mines 100
Flag Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Capture the Flag in Lab Basement 75
July 16th
As fast as Tropy Finish Android Alley in less than 3:55:00 100
Bacon’s Raider Play 5 games of Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 200
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Polar in Capture The Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Hot Air Skyway without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Aku Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Pura 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Hot Air Skyway 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Skull Rock 75
July 17th
Bacon Eater Score a total of 5 flags with Papu Papu in Steal the Bacon 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin or Dingodile 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Crash Bandicoot 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Tiger Temple 100
On to the Next One Complete Crash Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Crash Bandicoot 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in N. Gin Labs 150
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Lab Basement 75
July 18th
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Pura 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Komodo Joe Pinstripe or Papu Papu 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Tiny Tiger 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Tiny Arena 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Invincibility Mask using Pura 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Wumpa Collector Collect 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Tiny Arena 100
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Parking Lot 75
July 19th
As Fast as Tropy Finish Slide Coliseum in less than 2:50:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura or Ripper Roo 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Papu's Pyramid 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Slide Coliseum without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Nitro Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Ripper Roo 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Rocky Road 75
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Tiny Tiger in Capture The Flag 75
July 20th
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Coco Park 150
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Coco Bandicoot 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Coco Park 100
On to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Crunch Bandicoot 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Bacon Eater Steal a total of 5 flags with Coco Bandicoot in Steal the Bacon 75
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Terra Drome 75
July 21th
As fast as Tropy Finish Oxide Station in less than 4:10:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin or Dingodile 100
Hit and Run Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amount of hits using Crash Bandicoot 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Velo Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with an Invincibility Mask using Ripper Roo 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Assembly Lane 75
Whack a Dummy Use the Bomb successfully against an AI while racing in Oxide Station 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Rampage Ruins 75
July 22th
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 crystals in Crystal Grab with either Komodo Joe, Pinstripe or Papu Papu 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Komodo Joe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Jungle Boogie 100
On to the Next One Complete Uka Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Papu Papu 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Papu Papu 75
Wumpa Collector Collect 10 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Jungle Boogie 100
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Rampage Ruins 75
July 23th
As fast As Tropy Finish Turbo Track in less than 2:40:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura or Ripper Roo 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Polar in Capture the Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking rac 75
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Turbo Track without using any Power Ups 100
On to the Next One Complete Aku Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Pura 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Hot Air Skyway 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Skull Rock 75
July 24th
Bacon Eater Score a total of 5 flags with Pinstripe in Steal the Bacon 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Pinstripe 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Inferno Island 100
On to the Next One Complete Crash Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dr. Neo Cortex 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slidee 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Inferno Island 150
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Temple Turmoil 75
July 25th
As fast as Tropy Finish Electron Avenue in less than 5:00:00. 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. N. Gin or Dingodile. 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Tiny Tiger. 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Uka Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Fake Crash 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Top Scorer Score 5 points in Limit Battle with Fake Crash 75
Wumpa Collector Collect 20 Wumpa Fruit in a Single Race in Electron Avenue 100
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Magnetic Mayhem 75
July 26th
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Komodo Joe, Pinstripe or Papu Papu 100
Flag Bearer Score a total of 5 flags with Crunch Bandicoot in Capture The Flag 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
No Boost Needed Finish 1st without using any Turbo Pads in Crash Cove 100
No Harm Done Finish 1st in Crash Cove without using any Power Ups 100
One to the Next One Complete Wumpa Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Crunch Bandicoot 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Polar Pass 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Skull Rock 75
July 27th
As fast as Tropy Finish Android Alley in less than 3:55:00 100
Bacon Eater Score a total of 5 flags with Dr. Neo Cortex in Steal the Bacon 75
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Polar, Pura or Ripper Roo 100
Expert Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps with Dr. Neo Cortex 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Aku Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Missile using Dingodile 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Token Collector Complete the CTR Challenge in Android Alley 150
Flag Collector Score a total of 5 flags in Capture The Flag in Desert Storm 75
July 28th
As fast as Tropy Finish Tiger Temple in less than 3:10:00 100
Crystal Poacher Collect a total of 10 Crystals in Crystal Grab with either Crash Bandicoot, Coco Bandicoot or Crunch Bandicoot 100
Hit and Run Complete a game of Last Kart Driving with the highest amount of hits using Dingodile 75
Multi Hits Hit an opponent with a Power Up in an Online Matchmaking race 75
On to the Next One Complete Velo Cup 150
Power Up Master Hit an opponent 3 times with a Bomb using Dingodile 75
Sliding Your Way Through Perform a Power Slide 100
Stuntman Perform 10 trick jumps in Papu's Pyramid 75
Whack a Dummy Use the Bomb successfully against an AI while racing in Tiger Temple 75
Bacon Collector Steal a total of 5 flags in Steal the Bacon in Rampage Ruins 75

Quick Challenges[edit]

The reward for completing each Quick Challenge is 100 Nitro Points.

Challenge Description
Coming in First Win a race in any mode.
Fashion Show Customize a kart and drive it.
N. Tropy's Apprentice Complete a Time Trial race.
Online Racer Complete a race in Online Matchmaking.
Window Shopping Visit the Pit Stop to discover the daily offers.



  • Tawna Pink, Tawna's associated Nitro Squad paint job, was shown in promotional images for the Nitro Tour Grand Prix. Despite this, Tawna Pink could not be used in Nitro Tour Grand Prix, although game-controlled racers could still use her. Tawna Pink first became available in Spooky Grand Prix, which added back most content that was formerly exclusive to Nitro Tour Grand Prix.
  • The Nitro Tour Grand Prix saw its content gradually made available again over the following Grand Prix:
    • Back N. Time Grand Prix: all Country Flag Paint Jobs were kept as individual purchase in the Pit Stop.
    • Spooky Grand Prix: all exclusive characters and Legendary skins, the 3 seasonal karts (Bodies, Decals, Wheels and Paint Jobs), the Nitro Squad Paint Jobs and Portrait Stickers and the Twilight Wheels were added back in the Pit Stop.
    • Winter Festival Grand Prix: the Nitro Squad Number and Twilight Tour Theme Stickers were added back in the Pit Stop.
    • Rustland Grand Prix: the Country Flag Stickers were made available to all by default.